BCWipe 5.00.3 Beta


Reviewing 3.06.4 (Feb 13, 2005)

BCWipe will not trash your hard drive, or any contents you don't tell it to. Of course, if you're a careless nitwit, anything can happen--with BCWipe, or any other powerful utility.

As it is, BCWipe works very well. I do wish it had a normal windowed interface, like Eraser does. (Yes, I know about the "BCWipe Task Manager", but that leaves much to be desired.) Also, there is (currently) no way to have BCWipe overwrite while showing a progress dialog, while also not suspending progress and prompting on in-use files.

I prefer Eraser, mainly because it's easier to use. BCWipe's interface (including its command line options) just aren't as convenient. Some parts of the BCWipe interface are also just plain stupid. For example, if you create a 3-pass overwriting scheme, then select it, it still gives you the option to specify the number of passes to use, from 1 pass right on up. But... Huh? What does it mean to select 1 pass on a 3-pass wiping scheme?

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