WildBit Viewer 5.9 Alpha 2.0
Reviewing 5.6 Alpha 2.0 (Sep 3, 2009)
Except xNview Full is 15.5MB ... Unlike some I'll actually use a program before bothering to write a review.
This is a decent Multi-App, with 4 separate Binaries plus the Profile switcher.
Which lets you work with the Editor or Slideshow or Search separately (if desired) from the main viewer.
Unfortunately, the search is slow the "Filters" don't make much sense (if they even work at all) and it doesn't support regex or pcre.
The Editor is interesting, but is missing a few things like:
[x] autoFit to window. Everytime you resize an image's window you need to manually reZoom.
[-] The Create Icon is interesting and incomplete. If you've rezoomed a window (but not resized) The Create Icon, annoyingly, autoMaximizes the window again. Also it only lets you choose one icon size.
Lots of options for the Viewer itself, only missing a few things in this area:
1) Font Settings for Thumb Details, and Font Settings for FullScreen Mode.
2A) Option to 1) use XPs thumbNail cache or other formats.
2B) Option to save WildBit's ThumbNail.dat cache to ApplicationData instead of per folder.
Needs an option for ToolBars IconOnly (with tooltip) or Icon+Text
Most of the windows can't be resized below a certain point, which is somewhat of an annoyance.
Wildbit does NOT hose your system extension settings. Which is a major plus in my books. It will leave them completely alone if thats what you want.
Looks promising if development continues.
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